Taking the Lead, Setting the Example


Freemasonry (or Masonry, for short) is one of the world’s most historic membership organizations, a 300-year-old worldwide fraternity of like-minded people committed to bettering themselves and their communities. Masonry encompasses a series of moral teachings based on allegory and the symbolism of ancient stonemasonry. But we’re so much more than our history. We’re a way to find friendship, purpose, and connection.

At its core, Freemasonry is about:

  • True Friendship
    Many members meet their best friends through Freemasonry. That’s because Masonry offers a combination that’s hard to find anywhere else: shared traditions, shared purpose, and a shared commitment to fostering lifelong relationships.
  • Personal Development
    Ancient Freemasons focused on building structures. Today’s Masons focus on building character. We believe in strong values, and we embody them through our actions, our relationships, and our service to others.
  • Community Service
    Masons take an obligation to support those around them. Masons give back in a multitude of ways, from local charity drives to statewide efforts through the H. R. Butler Community Foundation Inc.

Have You Ever Considered Becoming a Mason?
How to Join

Interested in joining? Here is some basic information which should address the question: “Where.do I go from here?”

What is so often misunderstood is a simple fact: there are few but important requirements to become a Freemason!

While they are stated in slightly different words in various jurisdictions (and a few jurisdictions may have one or two requirements beyond these), they basically are as follows:

  • Being a man, freeborn, of at least 18 years of age
  • Being a citizen of Maryland (unless you are Active-Duty Military
  • Be of good moral character, and well recommended
  • Belief in a Supreme Being
  • Ability to support oneself and family.
  • Conduct oneself in a manner that will earn the respect and trust of others.
  • Possess a sincere desire to help others in the community.
  • Join of your Own Free Will and Accord
  • Be in good mental health and have control and use of your limbs.

These basic principles have been the means of attracting the most highly respected persons to Masonry for over three centuries. Their simplicity confounds and confuses those who see a conspiracy lurking behind every bush; those who want ‘religious purity’ and those whose own motives are constantly self-oriented. As a result, this quiet fraternity continues – as do its detractors.

If you’ve read this far and are now interested in Masonic membership for yourself, simply visit your local Masonic lodge or contact us via the following.



    330 Auburn Avenue
    Atlanta, GA 30312


    (404) 555-1212 Ofc
    (404) 555-2323 Fax

